Jul 2 2013

Petrarchan sonnet

In what bright realm, what sphere of radiant thought. A
Did Nature find the model whence she drew. B
That delicate dazzling image where we view. B
Here on this earth what she in heaven wrought? A
What fountain-haunting nymph, what dryad, sought. A
In groves, such golden tresses ever threw. B
Upon the gust? What heart such virtues knew?—. B
Though her chief virtue with my death is frought. A
He looks in vain for heavenly beauty, he. C
Who never looked upon her perfect eyes, D
The vivid blue orbs turning brilliantly –. C
He does not know how Love yields and denies; D
He only knows, who knows how sweetly she. C
Can talk and laugh, the sweetness of her sighs. D

As shown in this example of a Petrarchan sonnet the rhyme scheme is typically a b b a a b b a c d c d c d, but may be different. 14 lines with 10 syllables on each line.

Jun 21 2013

My sonnet

His power turned to pain and agony
From place to place he roamed around the street
He met a dame that offered company
And met a man he thought that he could cheat

A reaper came to him inside a dream
And told him to obey the rules of truth
He disobeyed and tried to form a team
Of people that thought they were evils root

he cheated, scammed and robbed kids of their youth
his dame left him because she found the proof
Of truths of evil and a girl named Ruth
Her last words were “you were always fool”

He changed his ways and tried to look for Ruth
The reaper told him to obey the rules

May 13 2013

Protected: My arguments

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May 10 2013

Protected: Who’s fault was the Rwandan Genocide

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Mar 19 2013

Hotel Rwanda Scene Analysis

In this analysis I will be analyzing how the director uses film techniques to strengthen his message and/ or create an effect on the audience. The film I will be analysing is “Hotel Rwanda” directed by Terry George and is based on the civil war in Rwanda.The Rwandan Genocide was a genocidal mass slaughter of the Tutsis by the Hutus that took place in 1994 in the East African state of Rwanda. Over the course of approximately 100 days (from the assassination of Juvénal Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira on April 6 through mid-July) over 500,000 people were killed, according to a Human Rights Watch estimate. Estimates of the death toll have ranged from 500,000–1,000,000, or as much as 20% of the country’s total population. It was the culmination of longstanding ethnic competition and tensions between the minority Tutsi, who had controlled power for centuries, and the majority Hutu peoples, who had come to power in the rebellion of 1959–62.

The director of “Hotel Rwanda”, Terry George uses different camera shots to create tension, this is a very powerful effect as it can be used to conceal powerful information and also Make a viewer aware of specific detail in the film. In Hotel Rwanda Paul is instructed to take the river route, both Paul and the audience are unaware that the river route is blocked with bodies, the film is very effective in the way it builds tension as information is often concealed, the camera switches from the van Paul is traveling in, to inside the van drastically wading around, Paul becomes frightened as he becomes aware that the car could enter the river, the car comes to a stop from a head on mid-shot. Paul exits the car and very unprofessionally falls out of the shot, this is very unexpected and would have not worked if it was a long-shot as he would not have unexpectedly fell out of the shot.

The Director also uses audio to enhance a scene (I believe audio is only used to enhance a film as the visuals can be used to explain the film without sound) using digetic and non-digetic sounds, he uses a range of digetic sounds for example the crickets and the ominous music for non-digetic sound. The audio is placed in very specific places for example when they show a close up the dead girl a sound of what is presumably a machete is played, this depicts the girl was killed with a machete.

the director also uses effects like the fog which was a very strong addition to the film as it concealed powerful information which in this case was the dead bodies. As Paul Rusesabagina and kregwa are diving the path becomes obstructed with fog as it conceals their path, this is shown as the camera is shown from inside the car and the path isn’t visible. The fog was quite clearly used for effect and wasn’t just there co-incidentally as the fog conveniently clears as the information was revealed as they show an over shoulder shot on the dead bodies in the road.

Feb 14 2013

Allegory practise

America seemed to be disappearing from the news,less and less reports came from America and Mr.Davis began to re-think his trip to America but he paid good money and he would only get 80% of what he originally paid, this seemed to be a good enough reason for him to advance on his trip to America besides the fact that Mr.Davis was a very wealthy man.

Mr.Davis arrived at the airport, it appeared to be another normal day in an airport until he reached the fourth terminal, the only light came from the back of the room which appeared to be several meters away, and the room contained two people Mr.Davis and the flight attendant. Mr.Davis packed quite lightly, he assumed he would buy any needed resources, Mr.Davis was flying first class, but since it didn’t make sense to fly a whole aeroplane he was taken by a private jet.

About three and a half hours into the flight, Mr.Davis woke from his nap, he reached for the TV remote and turned the TV on and put on NBC news, the monitor faded to black, he typed in the channel number for NBC news again, but nothing changed, he waited a moment, nothing, he reached for the large red button which commanded the TV to turn off, just as his finger reached the red button, a message appeared on the monitor, “sorry, NBC is not available”.

The plane arrived at the John F. Kennedy International Airport, which was apparently the most populated airport, however it wasn’t populated at all when Mr.Davis arrived, Mr.Davis was the only person in the airport.he roamed about the airport, looking for an exit he took his bags and approached a large glass door, the doors where automatic but didn’t open when he came closer. He reached for the closest fire extinguisher and threw it directly at the glass door, the door broke, Mr.Davis gathered his belongings and left the airport.

Life stood still outside the airport, nobody was in the area, there were no cars outside one of the biggest airports in America. After several hours of walking Mr.Davis located a hotel that reached his standards. He entered the hotel and was greeted by a member of staff, this troubled Mr.Davis as this member of staff was the only one present in the lobby despite the fact that lobby was very large, Mr.Davis reluctantly went on to rent the premium suite for the rest of his stay. He reached his suite and unpacked his bags, Mr.Davis walked towards the mirror, Mr.Davis was a very frail man, he left the mirror, packed a small bag and left to roam America.

Towards the end of Mr.Davis’s stay in America he became ill, with 2 days left of his trip to America he frequently visited the doctors however he always got the same answer “you are fine Mr.Davis, you are no worse than the day before, or the day before that”, but Mr.Davis became more and more ill, He returned to England and went straight to sleep. He woke up and went to greet his neighbors but the all seemed to not be in a state good enough to answer the door. He became worse over time and visited the doctor, the illness was a an illness that had not been diagnosed yet.

A few week passed and the illness got worse, and the rest of the neighborhood was infected with the illness too. Mr.Davis was kept under surveillance and all the houses in the area were taped up which deprived others of access to other ill people, Mr.Davis had not seen the light of day for weeks, the illness wasn’t cured but was getting increasingly worse, up to a point where Mr.Davis’s eyes bled everyday, however the illness was apparently not bad enough to broadcast it on TV, There was proof Mr.Davis was ill however it was ignored by the rest of the world.

Jan 21 2013

How does Snowball relate to Leon Trotsky

In Animal farm leon trotsky was represented by snowball, snowball led the battle of cowshed and was  an excellent commander of the red army, stalin who is represented by napoleon and trotsky never came to a compromise on any subject, snowball was then chased away by dogs led by napoleon, trotsky was killed by an ace axe on an order given by joseph stalin. Snowball believed in old majors ideas and old major is a representation of karl marx, leon trotsky was a very passionate marxist.

Dec 17 2012

Work for class activity

Me and Louie decided to group up, our class activity consists of working in groups to decide what metaphor is the most powerful metaphor on Romeo and Juliet and back it up with evidence

Dec 3 2012

Romeo and Juliet analytical essay on fate

In the year 1599, Shakespeare produced a play script named Romeo and Juliet. The play was very successful and is still studied in the current era because of it’s complex yet simple language, shakespheare used a lot of different writing styles for example his use of metaphorical writing as he often compares items, feelings or religion to other substantial or insubstantial items. Shakespeare often talks about religion in his play scripts he talks about how nobody is in charge of what’s may happen in the future and this falls in the category of fate which the essay is about. Fate is often described as predetermined or established in advanced, fate is something that can not be outran or fooled but is instead inevitable.


Shakespeare often used metaphorical writing to compare items with other items. The metaphors used inside Romeo and Juliet where often about love, affection or religion. A key metaphor Romeo uses during the play script “But he that hath the steerage of my course , Direct my sail!” Romeo compares his self to about that is of course and and says ” He That hath steerage of my course” as a way of referring to GOD and is asking him to put his life “back on track”, people often say “life is a journey” and Shakespeare compares his life to a ship that is off course.


In the prologue of Romeo and Juliet a chorus was giving the job of introducing Romeo and Julie’s death to the audience, but in the film is interpreted and is given to a news reporter as a way of giving the film a more modern look. The film or play is then re-winded to before the death of Romeo and Juliet, this puts the audience in a state of dramatic irony as the audience is aware that Romeo and Juliet’s death is inevitable and adds the effect of fate. The prologue talks about how Romeo and Juliet where not meant to be together “A Pair of star-cross’d lovers take life” and provides the audience with a synopsis of the play or film.


Shakespeare plays with the hand of fate as he gives the character friar Lawrence an insight into the future however his premonitions where not always accurate and lead Romeo and Juliet to their death. However the hand of fate was not only given to frail Lawrence as it also given to mercutio as he decides to put a curse on the house of Montague and the house of Capulet in which results to Romeo’s and Juliet’s death. The role of the servant-man may also fall in to the category of fate but may be argued to be a man of co-incidence as his role in the play is to invite people of high class to the party, however this resulted onto Romeo and Juliet first meeting each, which can be again be argued as fate for coincidence, however many people may believe finding the love of ones life would be fate and not co-incidence.


The use of the pathetic fallacy in Romeo and Juliet has a strong effect as right from the start as part of the audience you are told that Romeo and Juliet will die so it puts the viewer in the same position as GOD as you are aware of what will happen but however we don’t know how Romeo and Juliet die, at parts in the play As you already know romeo and Juliet will die however you start question their deaths, this is shown when Romeo and Juliet decide to get married and when get married their lives couldn’t be more perfect but as soon as Romeo returns from the wedding a fight breaks out and their deaths begin to outline their selves.


In the first Elizabethan era religion was taken very seriously, everyone was brought up to be some sort of Christian and Shakespeare reflect this in many ways like when Romeo talks about GOD taking charge over the course of his life. In the Elizabethan era everyone was required to attend a church service once a month. The service is referred to as the Prayer Service, or the Prayer Book Service, and sometimes as Common Prayer, Holy Eucharist, or the Lord’s Supper, religion was taken very seriously and not going to Church resulted in a fine. Shakespeare links religion and fate tell telling the audience that the fate of the characters is all in God’s hand and their wasn’t such a thing as co-incidence and everything in everyone’s life was predetermined before they born, but in today’s era many people may disagree with shaspheare’s theory and wouldn’t believe that the sperm breaching the egg was not predetermined but was just “luck” and not determined by God or who ever may be in the position to decide the fate of any living or dead person.



Nov 29 2012

Essay structure


Outline 3-8 points

Suggest Shakespeare’s intentions

  1. fate: metaphor
  2. Relation to characters
  3. Representation from characters
  4. Religion
  5. Prologue